Kiran S. (Sridhara) Kedlaya (he/him/él/il)

Professor of Mathematics
Stefan E. Warschawski Chair in Mathematics
Department of Mathematics, Room 7202
University of California San Diego (no comma!)
La Jolla, CA 92093-0112 (land acknowledgment, variant)
email: kedlaya[at]ucsd[dot]edu (public key) (disclaimer)
voicemail: (+1) 858-534-2629 (no live phone)
headshot: jpg (Laurie DeWitt, 2019)
me on: arXiv, GitHub, NSF-PAR, ORCID, UC open access

Some of the more useful parts of this site are linked from the navigation bar at left. Also available:

Note: I do not monitor or control any social media accounts (including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter/𝕏, TikTok). I highly recommend this life choice!

News (see also past news)

ICERM will be hosting a semester program on K3 surfaces during fall 2026. Contact me for further information. (15 Sep 24)

I've just made web-public the stream on conference announcements from the UC San Diego number theory group Zulip server. (31 Jan 24)

Fast facts (see also my CV)

Teaching for 2024-2025:

See also my past courses.

Research areas: number theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry. Specialties: p-adic Hodge theory, p-adic/nonarchimedean analytic geometry, p-adic differential equations, algorithms in arithmetic geometry (particularly related to L-functions), interactions between arithmetic geometry and computer science (cryptography, coding theory, etc.). For more, see my questions of interest.

Editorial boards: Nagoya Mathematical Journal, L-Functions and Modular Forms Database.


Current grants: NSF grant DMS-2401536 (sole PI); NSF grant DMS-2053473 (sole PI); NSF RTG grant DMS-1502651 (co-PI); UC San Diego, Stefan E. Warschawski Chair; Simons Fellowship in Mathematics. I am also an advisory board member for the UTMOST Project (interactive open-source mathematics textbooks), the Southwest Center for Arithmetic Geometry (including the Arizona Winter School), and the PRiME REU; and an associated scientist of the Simons Collaboration on Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory and Computation.

Professional societies: American Mathematical Society (life member), Mathematical Association of America (life member), Association for Women in Mathematics, National Association of Mathematicians.

Software projects: I am an active user and developer of the SageMath open-source computer algebra system. I am a contributor to the LMFDB. Some of my other projects, including Math 157, can be found on GitHub.

Other websites: I am a curator for MathMeetings, from which my conference list in arithmetic geometry is now derived. I maintain the Putnam Archive within this website; however, Daniel Kane serves as the UC San Diego Putnam coordinator and teaches the Putnam seminar (Math 96).

Social justice: My work with the BEAM program seeks to create pathways to STEM careers for high-potential K-12 students from underserved backgrounds. I am a proud alum of the PCMI-IAS Workshop on Rehumanizing Mathematics led by the phenomenal Rochelle Gutiérrez. I am a mentor for CalBridge and Math Alliance. I identify as first-gen.

Tips for reaching me by email

In case you send me an email and get no response, the following tips may help you diagnose the issue.

Fine print

Opinions expressed on this site are mine alone and may not reflect the views of past or present employers, funding agencies, collaborators, professional organizations, or governments. Conversely, off-site material not attributed to me may not reflect my views.

This site is independently hosted (currently by Arvixe) and funded; I have not been compensated for any content.

This site does not collect or store any identifiable user data. It is thus compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the California Consumer Privacy Act.

Although I have limited resources or expertise to address this, I am committed to removing any barriers to accessibility of this website. Please let me know if this affects you and I'll do what I can. (See also the PreTeXt project.)

Email to/from the address listed above is subject to the California Public Records Act. If you wish to discuss something not pertinent to my employer, ask me to shift the conversation to a different address (but note that UC-related material remains subject to CPRA).

Wide view of Kahnop artwork Narrow view of Kahnop artwork
Excerpt from KAHNOP • TO TELL A STORY, UC San Diego campus, 2022. See also these excerpts, this excerpt, and this excerpt.